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Original title of the film: Moon Spirits
Country of origin: Italy
Year of origin: 2022
Duration: 5:46
Age Restriction: 6+


Name/Title: Camillo Sancisi


Director: Camillo Sancisi
Script: Pietro Taronna and Camillo Sancisi
Designer: Federico Valle
Music: Riccardo Belletti
Producer: Camillo Sancisi


Fantasy, Science


2D Computer, Other

Moon Spirits



⁣2012: An old man walks into a Native American antiques shop. There is an elderly woman welcoming him at the counter. He feels there is something familiar about the room.

1968: Neil Armstrong is training in the Flagstaff desert, Arizona, where the earth's landscape is most similar to that of the moon. Suddenly, a shadow draws his attention - Neil meets an old Native who has been observing him curiously. "What are you doing with armour in the desert?" he asks. Neil explains that it is not armour but a spacesuit: he will soon be travelling to the moon. The Native answers him saying that his people, before disappearing, believed in moon spirits. He then speaks a sentence in a mysterious language and asks Neil to take it with him as a message to the moon spirits. He then disappears.

1969: Neil leaves for the moon. After a long voyage, he finds himself alone in the white moon desert. He closes his eyes, whispers the enigmatic message and feels like there is a presence close to him. He does not, however, see anything.

1971: Neil is back home. He is unable to forget his voyage or the moon and is desperate to understand the message that he brought there. Frenetically, he begins to consult hundreds of books in every bookshop he can find, to ask around and to travel to Native Indian reservations. Unable to sleep, the message becomes a true obsession.
In his search for the truth, Neil gets old while the message remains an indecipherable secret.

2012: We are in the antiques shop again. An aged Neil tries once more to tell the elderly woman the sentence which has haunted him all his life. Suddenly, to his astonishment, she bursts into laughter and says that the message he whispered to the moon spirits says... "Don't believe a word I say, I'm here to steal your land".

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I graduated in 2019 from the Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia, where I first approached animation.
During school I carried out numerous works for associations and other small clients, and animated several scenes for a feature film. I’m a science-fiction fan, a reader and a mediocre player in every sport.

In early 2020 I started to work, when a global pandemic happened. I was very lucky to work for Alkemy in Milan. There, I worked on both narrative and advertising productions as animator, post producer and director.

Nowdays I’m freelancing. My goal is to tell stories with the medium I love most, animation.

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